I set up my basement bathroom with the following:
- Heated to 70+ degrees F
- Installed hooks for drying the panel in front of a heat lamp
- Wore a VOC mask and solvent proof gloves
- Worked with all chemicals in the tub in case of spillage.
- Prepped the panel with an alcohol rinse, vinegar rinse, water rinse, the air dried.
- Filled the tank (a shallow Rubbermaid box lid) with Alodine 5700.
- Immersed the panel in the Alodine for 2 minutes.
- It didn't look done, so I re-immersed for another 2 minutes.
- Rinsed in RO filtered water.
- Funneled the Alodine back into the container (it's reusable)
- Hung and air dried in front of a heat lamp
... probably from not prepping the surface with the recommended acid bath.
Oh well. But now what?! I considered just painting it silver since now it would hold paint - that would look cheesy.
So I scubbied down the Alodine coating with silver polish. Here it is 1/3rd polished:
It looked pretty good - probably nearly down to bare metal again. But now I was ready to just chock up the Alodine waste of time as a learning experience and do what I should have done in January, and slap on a clear coat of engine enamel.
The clear coat did somehow capture some small dust particles while it was drying outside. But overall, I'm pretty happy with it.
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